These docs are for v8. Click to read the latest docs for v9.

Reactant Facade

In examples below User model is a Reacterable and Comment model is a Reactable.

$reactantFacade = $comment->viaLoveReactant();

Check if Reactable Reacted by Reacterable

Determine if Comment reacted by User with any type of reaction.

$isReacted = $reactantFacade->isReactedBy($user);

$isNotReacted = $reactantFacade->isNotReactedBy($user);

Determine if Comment reacted by User with exact type of reaction.

$isReacted = $reactantFacade->isReactedBy($user, 'Like');

$isNotReacted = $reactantFacade->isNotReactedBy($user, 'Like');

Determine if Comment reacted by User with exact type of reaction and exact rate value.

$isReacted = $reactantFacade->isReactedBy($user, 'Like', 4.0);

$isNotReacted = $reactantFacade->isNotReactedBy($user, 'Like', 4.0);

Reaction Counters

Each Reactant has many counters (one for each reaction type) with aggregated data.

Get reaction counters of reactant

$reactionCounters = $reactantFacade->getReactionCounters();

Get reaction counter of exact type

$reactionCounter = $reactantFacade->getReactionCounterOfType('Like');

More details read in ReactionCounter API.

Reaction Totals

Each Reactant has one total with aggregated data. Total is sum of counters of all reaction types.

Get reaction total of reactant

$reactionTotal = $reactantFacade->getReactionTotal();

More details read in ReactionTotal API.