These docs are for v8. Click to read the latest docs for v9.


Prefer to use Reactant Facade instead of lower level Reactant model for the API simplicity and easier future migration process.

Get Reactable

$reactable = $reactant->getReactable();

Returns Comment, Post, User or any other model which acting as this Reactant.

Check if Reactant Reacted by Reacter

Determine if Reacter reacted to Reactant with any type of reaction.

$isReacted = $reactant->isReactedBy($reacter);

$isNotReacted = $reactant->isNotReactedBy($reacter);

Determine if Reacter reacted to Reactant with exact type of reaction.

$reactionType = ReactionType::fromName('Like');

$isReacted = $reactant->isReactedBy($reacter, $reactionType);

$isNotReacted = $reactant->isNotReactedBy($reacter, $reactionType);

Determine if Reacter reacted to Reactant with exact type of reaction and exact rate value.

$reactionType = ReactionType::fromName('Like');

$isReacted = $reactant->isReactedBy($reacter, $reactionType, 4.0);

$isNotReacted = $reactant->isNotReactedBy($reacter, $reactionType, 4.0);

Get Reactions Received by Reactant

$reactions = $reactant->getReactions();

Reaction Counters

Each Reactant has many counters (one for each reaction type) with aggregated data.

Get reaction counters of reactant

$reactionCounters = $reactant->getReactionCounters();

Get reaction counter of exact type

$reactionType = ReactionType::fromName('Like');

$reactionCounter = $reactant->getReactionCounterOfType($reactionType);

More details read in ReactionCounter API.

Reaction Totals

Each Reactant has one total with aggregated data. Total is sum of counters of all reaction types.

Get reaction total of reactant

$reactionTotal = $reactant->getReactionTotal();

More details read in ReactionTotal API.