These docs are for v8. Click to read the latest docs for v9.

Manage Reaction Types

Reaction type required to react to content.

Create a list of default reaction types (Like & Dislike) or create your own build!

Add Default Types

$ php artisan love:reaction-type-add --default

In Artisan execute love:reaction-type-add command with --default flag to add Like and Dislike types to application. Reactant's total mass increments +1 with each Like and decrements -1 with Dislike.


If any of Like or Dislike types already exists in application - command will add only missing one.

Add Custom Type

$ php artisan love:reaction-type-add


Type names transformed to StudlyCase.
Name very-good will be converted to VeryGood.

Pass name & mass arguments in command line to skip interaction.

$ php artisan love:reaction-type-add --name=Hate --mass=-4